Our Publications respond to and nurture a thriving field of politically engaged art practices throughout the world.

Book, e-book

As for Protocols


New School New Books 2025 / An Incomplete* Listing of NYC Libraries, Reading Rooms, and Archives

Catalogue, Monograph

Carmen Amengual: A Non-Coincidental Mirror

In typed letters on a torn printed page, I ask Mahmoud Darwish a question: “Mahmoud, when you said, / ‘after you, the smell of coffee has no morning,’ / did you mean that we were already / in the ending-after / -ending-after / -ending, / already the ghosts-of-ghosts- / of-disappeared-beloveds, / as if the we of al-andalus were always / also, in the present, always / also, in the simultaneous possible, / of haunting-and / -haunted, / haunting-and / -haunted?”  My words are gently attached with two strips of blue tape to a printed excerpt of Learsi Links’ Political Prisoners in Palestine: Their Lives and Struggles, published by Palestine Labor Defense in 1936. This text describes an intercommunal prison hunger strike by 55 political prisoners, including members of the Palestine Communist Party, that took place in July 1935. The yellowish typewriter printed page lays diagonally on the scanner bed. The print from the edge of the page fades to gray, leaving the article’s sentences unfinished. The page is framed by a dark gray background on both sides. 

Essay, Photo Essay, Post/doc

an everyday archive of time stolen back

kimi malka hanauer

Essay, Photo Essay, Post/doc

Rehearsing Views: Paper Cameras Study Pack

Katie Giritlian

Essay, Photo Essay

In Search of “My Beloved Pauline”

Hande Sever

Artist Book, Libretto

FORCE! an opera in three acts

Anna Martine Whitehead

Catalogue, VLC Forum

Vera List Center Forum 2024: Correct History*

Poetry, Post/doc

every pattern needs a passage

Sarah Biscarra Dilley

Essay, Post/doc

Phantom Territory

Lara Atallah

Audio, Essay, Photo Essay, Post/doc

야생의 파도와 함께 with tides of the wild

TJ Shin


In Common: Romare Bearden and New Approaches to Art, Race & Economy

Artist Book, Book

Breaking Protocol

Maria Hupfield

Guide, Reading List

In Solidarity with Victims of Violence: A Resource Guide and Archive

Catalogue, VLC Forum

Vera List Center Forum 2023: Correction*



Dawn Chan


On Country

proppaNOW in conversation with New Red Order


Another Roadmap Africa Cluster: Another Roadmap School

Özge Ersoy


Colectivo Cherani: Cherán Cultural Center

Fabiola Palacios and Pablo José Ramírez


KUNCI Study Forum & Collective: School of Improper Education

Qinyi Lim


Khalil Rabah: The Palestinian Museum of Natural History and Humankind

Nabila Abdel Nabi


“My language has disappeared.” A Conversation on Studies into Darkness

Amar Kanwar, Carin Kuoni, and Laura Raicovich

Essay, Post/doc

Paradoxical Intelligence

Ari Melenciano

Essay, Photo Essay, Post/doc

Demon of the heart

Catalina Ouyang

Red text on a white background: C& Center of Unfinished Business at The New School Vera List Center for Art and Politics Contemporary And (C&) Social Justic Hub, University Center, The New School 63 5th Avenue, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10003 April 1–May 26, 2023 The Vera List Center for Art and Politics and multimedia platform Contemporary And (C&) present the C& Center of Unfinished Business at The New School, a roving reading room and exhibition that speaks to the persistence and presence of colonialism in contemporary life. Conceived by Contemporary And’s Julia Grosse, Yvette Mutumba, and Mearg Negusse, the project offers a selection of key, and, at times, unexpected texts that spark discourse on the enduring structures that continuously undergird colonial legacies in modern society. “Unfinished,” here, subtly echoes the “post” in postcolonial—hinting at an incomplete reckoning with colonialism and its evident and insidious aftermaths. The Vera List Center iteration of the exhibition features a curated selection of books, including titles from The New School faculty, alumni, and the VLC Fellows Library. Inaugurated during the 2022 VLC Forum and 30th anniversary celebration, the VLC Fellows Library is a collection of publications by each of the forty-four fellows the Vera List Center has hosted over its thirty-year history, celebrating and making available their research and work. Both the installation and accompanying broadsheet publication are designed by New School students. As with previous iterations, the reading room upends traditional forms of display in both content and form. Books meander through angular shelves next to, above, and across from each other in challenging, experimental, unconventional ways to mirror the tension and discomfort historically embedded in discussions on colonization. To this end, the C& Center of Unfinished Business occupies The New School’s Social Justice Hub, an interstitial space designed and designated for conversations on equity and solidarity across communities. The reading room plays host to public programs that inscribe the VLC’s 2022–2024 Focus Theme Correction* into colonial legacies and postcolonial realities. Conversations with local and international libraries as well as a public reading series explore libraries as sites of intervention, liberation, and repair.

Broadsheet, Catalogue

C& Center of Unfinished Business

Essay, Series

Art Collection Writing Award, 2022–2023

Maria Thereza Alves: Seeds of Change. Edited by Carin Kuoni and Wilma Lukatch. Published by Amherst College Press and the Vera List Center for Art and Politics, The New School, 2023. Designed by Common Name. 216 pages. Photograph by Re'al Christian, courtesy the Vera List Center. Front cover: image from Seeds of Change: Liverpool, 2004, wraps around front and back cover. Dark green text on a light brown background reads: Maria Thereza Alves Seeds of Change Edited by Carin Kuoni and Wilma Lukatsch

Book, e-book, Monograph

Maria Thereza Alves: Seeds of Change

Photo Essay

Wild plants, queer landscapes

Marisa Prefer

Audio, Poetry, Post/doc, Video

And Let Us Say

Jason Lipeles

Essay, Poetry, Post/doc

on asterisks (*for the stars)

danilo machado



Catalogue, VLC Forum

Vera List Center Forum 2022: Correction*

A book with a black cover placed on a light gray background; white text on the cover reads "Studies into Darkness: The Perils and Promise of Freedom of Speech, edited by Carin Kuoni and Laura Raicovich" in a serif font. Red, blue, and green edge printing; green and blue edges visible.

Book, e-book

Studies into Darkness: The Perils and Promise of Freedom of Speech

Broadsheet, Catalogue

Etcétera: NEO-EXTRA-ACTIVISM–Protocols for Buen Vivir


Black Quantum Futurism: Time Zone Protocols


Adelita Husni Bey: These Conditions


Kite: Hél čhaŋkú kiŋ ȟpáye (There lies the road)

Audio, Essay, Poetry

Song of Curves

Riel Bellow and Kite

Hands weaving a basket together


Jorge González: Escuela de Oficios

Michelle Marxuach

Man at keyboard


Underground Resistance: Submerge Project

Salome Asega

picture of courtyard with papers pinned to the wall


NayanTara Gurung Kakshapati: Nepal Picture Library

Naeem Mohaiemen

Road trip participants on steps in front of brown guesthouse


Emeka Okereke: Invisible Borders Trans-African Photographers Organization

Naeem Mohaiemen

Catalogue, VLC Forum

Vera List Center Forum 2021: As for Protocols

Reading List

In solidarity with Palestine


Vera List Center Fellows 2020–2022


Dean Erdmann. And, Apollo: A Laboratory


Naine Terena De Jesus: Oráculo

Maria Thereza Alves


Tiffany Chung: The Vietnam Exodus Project

Bala Star


Pan African Space Station: Wake Up Your Mind

Natasha Ginwala


Dar Yusuf Nasri Jacir for Art and Research

Kaelen Wilson Goldie


Jasmeen Patheja: Blank Noise

Gauri Gill


Liz Johnson Artur: Black Balloon Archive

Antawan I. Byrd

VLC 2019 Forum Poster

Catalogue, VLC Forum

Vera List Center Forum 2019: If Art is Politics

Essay, Series

Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2016–2017

Essay, Series

Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2015–2016

Essay, Series

Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2014–2015

Essay, Series

Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2004–2005

Essay, Series

Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2005–2006

Essay, Series

Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2006–2007

Essay, Series

Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2007–2008

Essay, Series

Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2009–2010

Essay, Series

Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2010–2011

Essay, Series

Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2011–2012

Essay, Series

Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2012–2013


ART, An Index to (see also POLITICS): 25 Years of Vera List Center Fellowships



Nontobeko Ntombela


IsumaTV: Zacharias Kunuk

Candice Hopkins


The House of Natural Fiber

Eungie Joo


Gulf Labor

Joanna Warza


Forensic Architecture

Mariam Ghani


The Belly of the World: A Note on Black Women’s Labors

Saidiya Hartman

Greenery growing in planters in between wall and canal


The Importance of Words and Action

Jean Fisher


Transcending Movements: Weeds as Queering Species Boundaries

Marisa Prefer


Sites as Citations of New York’s Colonial Past in Ballast

Carin Kuoni and Amanda Parmer


A Botany of Colonization

Maria Thereza Alves

Catalogue, VLC Forum

Vera List Center Prize for Art and Politics 2016–2018 Conference Companion

Book, e-book

Assuming Boycott: Resistance, Agency, and Cultural Production


Indigenous New York, Critically Speaking

Artist Book

No title (Book with reflective vinyl fabric cover, black and white printed content)

Victoria Sobel and Casey Gollan

Artist Book

No title (Square format book with a black and white print of an illustrated flower on it)

Victoria Sobel and Casey Gollan


A Right To The Image For All: Concept Paper for a Coming Revolution


Catalogue, Guide

Abounaddara: The Right to the Image


Entry Points: The Vera List Center Field Guide on Art and Social Justice, No. 1


Speculation, Now


Delivery Express: No Justicia, No Pizza!


School of Echoes. Vogue’ology: Protocol Compendium



By Any Name: A Tiny Archive of Critical Viewpoints on The New School


With Bustle

Richard Martin


Considering Forgiveness

Broadsheet, Catalogue

OURS: Democracy in the Age of Branding


Agency: A Thematic & Partial Tour of The New School Art Collection


Public Domain


Patrons of Progress: The New School University Art Collection


The Guggenheim, Corporate Populism, and the Future of the Corporate Museum

Michael Brenson


Havana. Patrimony, Patience, and Progress: Architecture, Urban Planning, and Historic Preservation in Havana, Cuba


Are we ready for a Cabinet-Level Position for Culture?