Adelita Husni Bey: These Conditions
As the culmination of Adelita Husni Bey’s research as a 2020–2022 Vera List Center Fellow, These Conditions, presented by the Vera List Center for Art and Politics at Brooklyn Army Terminal (February 8–April 8, 2022), delves into the current pandemic and its aftermath from a larger, historical and artistic framework.
This catalogue includes a libretto for Cronaca del Tempo Ripetuto (A chronicle of histories repeating, 2021), an audio piece developed by Adelita Husni Bey through a workshop with the Chamber Orchestra of Radicondoli, Tuscany (ORCA). The libretto includes transcriptions of the voices of the workshop participants, as well as the source material and citations that inspired the experimental exercises that were used to structure the group’s improvisations.