Broadsheet, Catalogue
Etcétera: NEO-EXTRA-ACTIVISM–Protocols for Buen Vivir
Argentinian collective and 2020–2022 Boris Lurie Fellow Etcétera—led since 2007 by co-founders Loreto Garín Guzmán and Federico Zukerfeld—focuses on the connections between art, socio-environmental imagination, and resistance movements by environmental activists and artists from the Americas. Their exhibition NEO-EXTRA-ACTIVISM–Protocols for Buen Vivir centers on the Indigenous notion of “Buen Vivir,” or “good living,” offering a proposition for living well through community, which expands to creating art, culture, and knowledge through non-extractivist approaches.
Along with a manifesto for “Buen Vivir” penned by Etcétera, this broadsheet publication provides an overview of the three chapters of the collective’s fellowship project and features a commissioned essay by VLC Graduate Student Fellow Tania Aparicio Morales, “Archivo Vivo, The Politics of Etcétera’s Archive,” which reflects on processes of collecting, facsimile, and resisting colonial modes of display that are embedded within the collective’s work. Designed by Counterform Design and Print Studio, the publication materially responds to Etcétera’s work, referencing histories of protest and activist art movements across Latin America.
Conversation, Performance
From Errorism to NEO-EXTRA-ACTIVISM: VLC Fellow Etcétera and Jennifer Ponce de León

Oct 8, 2020

NEO-EXTRA-ACTIVISM–Protocols for Buen Vivir
May 20–Jun 16, 2022
Lecture, Performance
RESPONSE ABILITY* A Manifesto on Ecocide

Nov 19, 2021
NO WORK, NO SHOP: Socio-Environmental Imagination and Pedagogies of Action