Indigenous New York, Critically Speaking
Commissioned as the foundation for Indigenous New York, Critically Speaking, these texts ground this second of three colloquia included in the Indigenous New York series this year.* The series is a public program and research initiative of the Vera List Center developed in collaboration with artist Alan Michelson and in consultation with artist Jackson Polys. It facilitates collaborations and exchanges among contemporary curators, artists, critics and scholars through public events and colloquia that focus on indigeneity and the legacy of colonialism and position the local as evidence of concerns shared globally.
The first of this series, Indigenous New York, Curatorially Speaking, examined four key inquiries: indigenous and non-indigenous epistemologies and methodologies; the non-colonial museum; challenges of collaborative curation; and the growing indigenization of international art. It was presented in October 2016.
Building on the success of the first colloquium, the second colloquia Indigenous New York, Critically Speaking, takes up a second set of thematics: Land Writes—Citing Territory, Seeing Red: Invisibility and Opacity, Resistance, Resurgence, Collective Practice, and Unsettling Narratives. These thematically framed exchanges provide opportunities to examine how a fuller consideration of indigenous creative production might reconfigure regimes of critical writing.
The publication of this compendium was made possible, in part, through the generous support of the Native Arts and Cultures Foundation and the Advisory Committee of the Vera List Center.
*Karyn Recollet’s contribution is reprinted by permission from Curriculum Inquiry
Conference, Seminar
Indigenous New York, Curatorially Speaking

Oct 15, 2016
Panel, Screening
Indigenous New York, Critically Speaking

Mar 11, 2017
Performance, Seminar
Indigenous New York, Artist Perspectives

Nov 17, 2017
Conversation, Performance
MOVEMENT: The New Global Indigenous