

Post/doc is a biannual publishing series by the Vera List Center for discursive, speculative, experimental writing and artistic practices. Launched in fall 2022, the series features interdisciplinary works by writers, artists, musicians, and poets that respond to the Center’s programmatic Focus Themes. Documenting connections between disciplines, the theoretical and the practical, Post/doc is a digital space for shared knowledge production.


Winter 2024/25: After-endings & Generative Hesitation
Conceptually reflecting on the notion of intervals to explore the possibilities and limitations of recuperating imperially-produced gaps in time, space, and memory.

“Rehearsing Views: Paper Cameras Study Pack” by Katie Giritlian
“an everyday archive of time stolen back” by kimi malka hanauer


2022–2024 Focus Theme:

Spring 2024: Rematriating Knowledge
Considering how modes of intergenerational knowing can permeate our perception of the land, and, by extension, “correct” ways of being in the world.

“Phantom Territory” by Lara Atallah
“every pattern needs a passage” by Sarah Biscarra Dilley

Fall 2023: Border(land) Ecologies
Exploring the concept of borderlands through an experiential, “corrective” narrative, touching on themes of surveillance, access, redaction, and legibility.

“야생의 파도와 함께 with tides of the wild” by TJ Shin

Spring 2023: Other Intelligences

Examining notions of “correction” in digital spaces to subvert, distort, and disrupt modes of visibility or legibility of the self to reimagine other forms of artificial and somatic intelligence.

“Paradoxical Intelligence” by Ari Melenciano
“Demon of the Heart” by Catalina Ouyang

Fall 2022: *  as in Correction*

Reflecting on the symbolic potential of the asterisk (as in Correction*) as a tool to amend, to hold space, to contradict, or to expand.

“And Let Us Say” by Jason Lipeles
“on asterisks (*for the stars)” by danilo machado


Editor: Re’al Christian, VLC Assistant Director of Editorial Initiatives


Essay, Photo Essay, Post/doc

Rehearsing Views: Paper Cameras Study Pack

Katie Giritlian

In typed letters on a torn printed page, I ask Mahmoud Darwish a question: “Mahmoud, when you said, / ‘after you, the smell of coffee has no morning,’ / did you mean that we were already / in the ending-after / -ending-after / -ending, / already the ghosts-of-ghosts- / of-disappeared-beloveds, / as if the we of al-andalus were always / also, in the present, always / also, in the simultaneous possible, / of haunting-and / -haunted, / haunting-and / -haunted?”  My words are gently attached with two strips of blue tape to a printed excerpt of Learsi Links’ Political Prisoners in Palestine: Their Lives and Struggles, published by Palestine Labor Defense in 1936. This text describes an intercommunal prison hunger strike by 55 political prisoners, including members of the Palestine Communist Party, that took place in July 1935. The yellowish typewriter printed page lays diagonally on the scanner bed. The print from the edge of the page fades to gray, leaving the article’s sentences unfinished. The page is framed by a dark gray background on both sides. 

Essay, Photo Essay, Post/doc

an everyday archive of time stolen back

kimi malka hanauer

Poetry, Post/doc

every pattern needs a passage

Sarah Biscarra Dilley

Essay, Post/doc

Phantom Territory

Lara Atallah

Audio, Essay, Photo Essay, Post/doc

야생의 파도와 함께 with tides of the wild

TJ Shin

Essay, Post/doc

Paradoxical Intelligence

Ari Melenciano

Essay, Photo Essay, Post/doc

Demon of the heart

Catalina Ouyang

Audio, Poetry, Post/doc, Video

And Let Us Say

Jason Lipeles

Essay, Poetry, Post/doc

on asterisks (*for the stars)

danilo machado