Essay, Series
Art Collection Writing Award Winners, 2009–2010
The 2009-2010 Art Collection Writing Awards competition garnered entries from four New School divisions – Parsons, Lang, NSGS, and NSSR – by students from such diverse programs as Design & Management, International Affairs, Fashion, Fiction & Non-fiction, Writing & Literature, Media Studies, Poetry, Anthropology, and Fine Arts.
On April 20, 2010, the entrants celebrated their accomplishments in an informal gathering with acclaimed American artist Elaine Reichek, whose work Gauguin at the Harmonium was the inspiration behind one of the prize-winning submissions.
The prizes were awarded to the following students:
First Prize Creative Response ($400)
Carmella Laughlin, MA in Media Studies, The New School for General Studies
For her poem KIT KAT
In response to Kara Walker, Event Horizon, 2005
First Prize Critical Response ($400)
Carly Dintaman, Design & Management, Parsons The New School for Design
For her text Tseng Kwong Chi: Alienated Tourist
In response to Tseng Kwong Chi, Disneyland, Calfornia, 1979
Second Prize Creative Response ($200)
Dorothy Krajewski, M.A. in Liberal Studies, The New School for Social Research
For her text Foreclosure
In response to Elaine Reichek, Gauguin at the Harmonium, 1986
2009-2010 Jury
Neil Gordon, Dean, Eugene Lang The New School for Liberal Arts
Carin Kuoni, Director, Vera List Center for Art and Politics
Joshua Mack, Vera List Center Advisory Committee
Rosemary O’Neill, Associate Professor of Art History, School of Art and Design History and Theory, Parsons The New School for Design
Robert Polito, Director, MFA Creative Writing Program, The New School
Silvia Rocciolo, Co-curator, The New School Art Collection
Tess Drahman, MA in Media Studies, The New School for General Studies