Stories: Aleksandra Wagner / Goes West
Mar 3, 2010
6:30–8:00pm ET
The New School, Theresa Lang Community and Student Center
On occasion of the exhibition The Storyteller at Parsons, The Sheila C. Johnson Design Center and the Vera List Center for Art and Politics are pleased to present a talk by Aleksandra Wagner. Grounded in her memory of a purchase of One Thousand and One Nights in the Serbian translation by Stanislav Vinaver, Wagner chooses the shortest month of the year, February, to tell stories about the acts of storytelling in education and in psychoanalysis. One story a night, one page each, shared on the night of March 3.
Aleksandra Wagner is an Assistant Professor of Sociology, Bachelor’s Program, The New School for General Studies, and a Member of the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis. She is the editor of the Vera List Center’s first book, Considering Forgiveness (2009).