Expanded, Exploded, Collapsed?
Apr 19, 2010
6:30–8:00pm ET
The New School, Theresa Lang Community and Student Center
SculptureCenter at The New School
Thirty years on from Rosalind Krauss’ seminal text Sculpture in the Expanded Field, a panel of artists and critics reconsiders the concept of the “expanded field” in light of contemporary art production. The discussion reflects upon how performative, discursive, and design models developed since the essay’s publication may have shifted the formal, political, and semiological parameters of sculpture today.
Co-sponsored by the SculptureCenter and the Vera List Center for Art and Politics.
Fionn Meade, Curator, SculptureCenter
Johanna Burton, art historian and critic
Josiah McElheny, sculptor and faculty member, Yale University
William Pope.L, performance artist and Professor of Theater and Rhetoric, Bates College