Book Launch, Conversation
Communication After Refusal: The Turn to Love and Polyvocality
Feb 22, 2021
7:00–9:00pm ET
Sociologist Stuart Hall’s writing on the ways that meaning is encoded and decoded offers useful insight into the ways that cultural critics often inaccurately interpret work by contemporary artists of color. How have these cultural protocols for decoding Black avant-garde creative production failed? On the occasion of the publication of Blackspace: On the Poetics of an Afrofuture, a book of essays on the ways Black digital media artists have pursued liberation since the 1960s, join artists in conversation with author Anaïs Duplan, artist Deanna Bowen and VLC Fellow Rasheedah Phillips, and editor and producer Camille Crain Drummond as moderator.
Deanna Bowen, artist
Camille Crain Drummond, editor and producer
Anaïs Duplan, writer, author of Blackspace: On the Poetics of an Afrofuture
Rasheedah Phillips, 2020-2022 VLC Fellow, artist and member of Black Quantum Futurism
Supported by the Mary B. Saltonstall Lectureship Fund and the Helen Shapiro Lectureship Fund.
Towards a Temporal Rezoning: Unmapping the Time Zones. A Talk by VLC Fellow Rasheedah Phillips

Oct 8, 2020
Conversation, Screening
Hypervisibilities with Sondra Perry