Identify! or Studies on the Political Subject
Oct 23, 2004
Vera List Center For Art and Politics
66 West 12th Street, 4th Floor
New York City
Identify! or Studies on the Political Subject is a one day-long installation of projected images and sound slides, videos, 16mm film, and FM radio that investigates the relationship between individuals and the state. In a political environment with systems of inclusion and exclusion (on the level of community, government as well as history) that have been polemically simplified and emotionally charged, these works engage the political subject in its complex and multilayered existences, as discourse, as experience, as claim, as trace, and as action and non-action.
With works by Yael Bartana (Netherlands/Israel), Sabine Bitter/Helmut Weber (Vancouver/Vienna), Matthew Buckingham (Berlin/New York), Andrea Geyer (New York), Sharon Hayes (New York), Ashley Hunt (Los Angeles), Lana Lin (New York), neuroTransmitter (New York), Jesal Kapadia (New York), Katya Sander (Copenhagen), Klaus Weber (Berlin), and Florian Wüst (Berlin/Rotterdam)
This event is presented as part of the Vera List Center’s program cycle on “Homeland.”
Ashley Hunt