Sam Durant
Oct 22, 2008
3:00–8:00pm ET
Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Gallery
Sheila C. Johnson Design Center
In this charrette, claims of advertising and branding intended to generate desire, are severed from their products and turned into political claims. Sam Durant will work with students to mine advertisements and branding campaigns to create “protest” signs timed to the upcoming elections. A conversation between Sam Durant and Janet Kraynak will follow at 6:30 p.m.
This charrette is hosted by Parsons and Eugene Lang College faculty member Janet Kraynak.
3:00-5:00 p.m.
Charrette with artist and Parsons class
6:30-8:00 p.m.
This program has been made possible, in part, by a generous grant from The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.
This event is presented as part of the Vera List Center’s program cycle on “Branding Democracy,” and is presented in conjunction with the exhibition, OURS: Democracy in the Age of Branding,<on view from October 15, 2008 to February 1, 2009.

OURS: Democracy in the Age of Branding
Oct 15, 2008