The Imagine Festival, which coincides with the 2004 Republican National Convention in New York City, is hosting over 125 citywide events that mix artistic and educational activities through a series of concerts, performances, screenings, forums, town meetings, and other extraordinary cultural happenings. The Vera List Center for Art and Politics at The New School and the Milano Graduate School of Management and Urban Policy, New School University present the following Imagine Forum Series and Film Screenings. Complete schedule of citywide events at:
Imagine Festival Film Screenings at The New School
About Baghdad
InCounter Productions, 2004, 90 minutes
Monday, August 30, 2004 – 7:30 p.m.
In July 2003, Sinan Antoon, an exiled Iraqi writer and poet, returned to Baghdad to see what has become of his city after wars, sanctions, decades of oppression and violence, and now occupation. For more information, visit
Panel with members of film collective InCounter.
Suzy Salamy, filmaker (Until When & About Baghdad)
Bassam Haddad, Director of the Middle East Studies Program at George Mason University, Founding Editor of the Arab Studies Journal
Maya Mikdashi, co-director of film
Baghdad in No Particular Order
Paul Chan, 2003, 51 minutes
Tuesday, August 31, 2004 – 7:30 p.m.
Baghdad in No Particular Order is an ambient video essay of life in Baghdad before the invasion and occupation. The filmmaker will be present to introduce film and lead Q&A after the screening with Kathy Kelly< of Voices in the Wilderness
Lecture, Panel, Performance, Screening
Imagine Festival of Arts, Prosperity – Sharing our Wealth and Resources

Sep 1, 2004
Imagine Festival of the Arts – Future – Imagining the Future of Democracy, Politics and Human Development

Sep 2, 2004
Conversation, Screening
Imagine Festival of the Arts, Film Screenings at The New School