BOMB: Digesting Place: Dean Erdmann Interviewed by Amanda Parmer
Jan 30, 2020
Article by Amanda Parmer, BOMB Magazine, Jan 30, 2020
Digesting Place: Dean Erdmann Interviewed by Amanda Parmer: An artist explores the evolution of older technologies into the present.
Amanda Parmer, BOMB Magazine, Jan 30, 2020
Dean Erdmann’s artistic practice draws out physical and libidinal relationships shared across working-class cultures domestically and internationally, experiences that may not otherwise be seen as similar. Over three nights we Gchatted, talked, and emailed about the roots of Erdmann’s And, Apollo: A Laboratory (2017–present) vis-à-vis their larger practice and the relationships they draw out across a broad constellation of archives, histories, and materials including wartime cultures, the Cold War Space Race, descendant technologies, genocidal xenophobias, the Magnus Hirschfeld Society, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), the meth epidemic, and the Mojave Desert. Erdmann is currently a fellow at the Vera List Center for Art and Politics (2018–20) and an artist fellow at Urban Glass
—Amanda Parmer
2018-2020 Fellows Dean Erdmann and Helene Kazan Artist Talk and Conversation

Oct 5, 2018
Parsons Fine Arts Visiting Artist Lecture Series: Dean Erdmann

Sep 11, 2019