
Anticipating NY 2050

Mar 11, 2003

6:00–8:00pm ET

The New School, Wollman Hall

Margaritta Gutman, Senior Fellow at VLC, is the architect of this series of panels. Originally from Argentina, Gutman has based the panels on the similarities between September 11th, and the economic collapse in her own country. The series addresses the complexities of the future of Ground Zero, the future of lower Manhattan, and the future of Manhattan itself. Each panel approaches the issue from the framework of public inclusion. Key planning issues still to be decided: Why should we discuss the future? Any social reconstruction must be inclusive of public memory, our current needs, and our expectations for the future. What are the public concerns in the Ground Zero reconstruction? What were the lessons learned from other rebuilding projects in New York State? How should the public participate in the re-building of Ground Zero? How can urban imagination be triggered in innovations for the Ground Zero rebuild?

Margarita Gutman, Senior Fellow at VLC

William Rees Morrish
Eva Hanhardt
Richard Kahan
Ron Schiffman