Our Archive collects nearly 500 public events with artists, scholars, historians, and other thinkers and makers who consider wide-ranging topics of social relevance.


New School New Books 2025Dismantling the Master’s Clock: On Race, Space, and TimeCarmen Amengual: A Non-Coincidental Mirror. Book Launch and Exhibition Closing with Yasmina Pricean everyday archive of time stolen backBrooklyn Rail: Carmen Amengual’s A Non-Coincidental MirrorRehearsing Views: Paper Cameras Study Pack


In Search of “My Beloved Pauline”New School News: The Vera List Center for Art and Politics Explores “Correct History*” in 2024 Forum TopicCarmen Amengual: A Non-Coincidental MirrorCarmen Amengual: A Non-Coincidental MirrorVLC Forum 2024: Re-visioning Native HistoriesVera List Center Forum 2024: Correct History*Vera List Center Forum 2024: Correct History*Seminar 11: Many Returns


야생의 파도와 함께 with tides of the wildSeminar 8: “Hader Halal” (With Regard to Presence)Beatriz Cortez: Ilopango, the Volcano that LeftVLC Forum 2023: Prize Ceremony and Conversation proppaNOW with Wanda NanibushVLC Forum 2023: Impossible Structures with Khalil RabahVLC Forum 2023: Unchrono/logical Timeline Activation Chapter 2.2 New YorkKUNCI Study Forum & Collective: School of Improper EducationVera List Center Forum 2023: Correction*Beatriz Cortez: Voids, Portals, and Moving Land