Assembly, Screening
VLC Forum 2021 Day Five: Escuela de Oficios
Oct 16, 2021
2:00–6:00pm ET
Community Altar, Readings, and Open Mic
Following a recent trip to Mexico to connect with his paternal roots and learn traditional tallow candle-making techniques, Jorge González sets up a candle-making site as an altar on the fence of The Clemente, enacting Escuela’s continuous, embodied work of community regeneration. Titled Cantemos desde el pecho de la Ceiba: Elegía para un antes y después on Day Five of the Vera List Center Forum 2021 González hosts this event in collaboration with artist Monica Rodriguez (La Germinal), Kultura Dyad, and others, González leads a reading and listening session that proclaims an Indigenous, queer, and feminist future with a focus on the writings of Puerto Rican anarchist and feminist writer Luisa Capetillo.
The collective learning, care, and nurturing of community and resources at the core of Escuela’s practice is often grounded by shared meals. For this gathering, sancocho and cassava bread will be served by the Society of the Educational Arts, Inc.
The gathering around the altar continues with candle distribution and an open mic session led by Kultura Dyad.
In order to attend the indoor screening, you will need to show proof of vaccination: the physical card, a photo of the card, or an approved app. We recommend using Excelsior Pass or NYC Covid Safe and encourage you to download either of these apps to your phone and record your vaccination, in advance of arriving.
This event is hosted at and in collaboration with The Clemente, with the support of Bluestockings Cooperative.
This event is part of the Vera List Center Forum 2021, please click here for more information.
The Vera List Center Forum 2021 is presented as part of the center’s 2020–2022 focus theme, As for Protocols. It is curated by Carin Kuoni and Eriola Pira and convened with the support of Re’al Christian, Camila Palomino, Adrienne Umeh, Nelly Kobanenko, Ash Moniz, and Molly Ragan. Partner organizations are Bluestocking Cooperative, Center for Book Arts, The Clemente, UnionDocs, and Weeksville Heritage Center.
The 2020–2022 Jane Lombard Fellows are: Jorge González, NayanTara Gurung Kakshapati, Emeka Okereke, and Underground Resistance.
Owed to a Certain Emptiness: Infra-structuring the Conflictorium is presented at The New School as part of the Vera List Center Forum 2021: As for Protocols. It celebrates Avni Sethi, recipient of the Vera List Center 2020–2022 Jane Lombard Prize for Art and Social Justice.
The Vera List Center Forum 2021 and free admission to all events are made possible by major support from Jane Lombard and the Kettering Fund, as well as The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the Boris Lurie Art Foundation, Dayton Foundation, Ford Foundation, Kettering Fund, the Native Arts and Culture Foundation, Pryor Cashman LLP, The New School as well as members of the Vera List Center’s board and other individuals.
Conversation, Screening, Workshop
VLC Forum 2021 Day One: Invisible Borders Trans-African Photographers Organization

Oct 12, 2021
Conversation, Party, Performance
VLC Forum 2021 Day Three: Underground Resistance

Oct 14, 2021
Presentation, Workshop
VLC Forum 2021 Day Two: Nepal Picture Library

Oct 13, 2021
Vera List Center Forum 2021: As for Protocols

Oct 12–Oct 16, 2021
Assembly, Screening
VLC Forum 2021 Day Five: Escuela de Oficios

Oct 16, 2021
VLC Forum 2021 Day Four: Conflictorium

Oct 15, 2021