COVID-19 Resource Toolkit for Artists and our Extended Communities
The Vera List Center for Art and Politics is closely monitoring and observing the ever-changing guidelines on how to prepare for and reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Our upcoming programs have either been suspended or are moving online, with a Zoom dance party coming soon. which will be announced soon
During this time, our goal is to continue to support our community of artists, writers, and arts organizations and to provide a safe space where art and politics can intersect. Below are resources ranging from virtual programs and events to emergency grants and funding for those in need during this time. We encourage everyone to follow both CDC/WHO guidelines for the most current updates on the COVID-19 virus, as well as to practice social distancing if you are able to. The New School’s own guidelines and advice are particularly helpful to students, faculty, and staff.
Our deepest thanks to comrades around the world who have developed or shared the information below. Clearly, we are all in this together.
As cultural institutions have closed their galleries to the public, suspended public programming, and taken their work remotely, many arts organizations and artists are providing new ways of distributing content and staying connected online. The following is what we’re watching, reading, listening to, participating in and contributing to including various virtual gatherings and programs.
23 Artworks to See and Hear Online
Art & Law COVID-19 Roundtable, by Center for Art Law via Zoom on May 8th
CABIN FEVER: playlist of online experimental films & videos
Creaky Joints: “The Cripples Will Save You: A Critical Coronavirus Message from a Disability Activist”
e-flux reader: Contagion Issue
Free At-Home Culture Resources
Harun Farocki Institut: Rosa Mercedes (ongoing issue)
Healing Justice Podcast: Coronavirus: Wisdom from a Social Justice Lens
MoMA Learning
New Social Environment: Daily Lunchtime Conversations with the Brooklyn Rail (Zoom)
Online Learning Course: MoMA x Coursera
Sheltering Places: Thinking the COVID 19 Pandemic by The New Centre for Research & Practice
Social Distancing Festival
Social Justice in a time of Social Distancing
Texte Zur Kunst: Notes from Quarantine
Ultimate Guide to Virtual Museum Resources, E-Learning, and Online Collections
Virtual Togethering For Freedoms (Sign up to lead a virtual session)
War and Peace Reading and Discussion with Yiyun Li and A Public Space
The following are listings for emergency grants and financial support for artists, including specific funds for COVID-19 related economic hardship, and further resources.
Art Interrupted Emergency Arts Fund
Arts and Culture Leaders of Color Emergency Fund
Artists’ Fellowship, Inc.
Artist Relief
Authors League Fund
Boston Artist Relief Fund
CERF+ Emergency Assistance
Creator Fund
Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grant
Format: The Photographer Fund
Gottlieb Emergency Grant Program
Haven Foundation
Joan Mitchell Foundation Emergency Grants for 2020
Kinkade Family Foundation Emergency Grant for Curators
Max’s Kansas City Project Emergency Grants
Mayer Foundation Grant
PEN American Writers’ Emergency Fund
Pillars Rapid Response Fund
Q-Wave Emergency Fund
Queer Writers of Color Relief Fund
Rauschenberg Emergency Grant
2020 Black Spatial Relics Micro Grants for Community Care and Collective Research
The strength and resilience of the art community comes from its sense of solidarity and resource sharing with those most affected by COVID-19 and/or systemic oppression. The following is a list of crowdfunding you can donate or apply to for financial support as well as a directory of artists and freelancers for hire.
Arts Administrators of Color Network
Artist Relief Tree (ART)
Cinema Workers Solidarity Fund
P0stb1nary: Mutual Aid & Hire Independent Artists
NYC Low-Income Artist/Freelancer Relief Fund
System of Support
The impact of the COVID-19 closures is already evident in the arts with the freelance artists and workers feeling the brunt of it. In addition to the many resources being made available, the information being gathered through these surveys and advocacy organizations will be important to weathering the long-term effects in our communities. Please participate!
Americans for the Arts, Survey
American Alliance of Museums (AAM), urge Congress to include art organizations in its COVID-19 economic stimulus and relief packages
Art Handler, Impact of COVID-19 on Art Workers Survey
Artists, Culture Workers, Freelancers, Gig Event Economy Losses Due to COVID-19 Cancellations
Brooklyn Art Council, Survey
Demands for Museums and Galleries from People’s Cultural Plan
Museum Educator COVID-19 Work Loss Plans
National Coalition for Arts Preparedness and Emergency Response (NCAPER)
NYC Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment Survey for Nightlife Workers, Freelancers, and Businesses Impacted by COVID-19
Springboard for The Arts-Principles of Ethical Cancellation
WAGE Guidelines for the Postponement or Cancellation of Work
WAGE Recommended Best Practice Protocols for Institutions and Funders
Washington Project for the Arts (WPA) Artist Impact Survey
Accessible Teaching
Art & Design Studio Instruction in the Age of “Social Distancing”
Art History Teaching Resources
Artmaking Activities Families can do at Home
Art Resources for Teaching and Learning at Home
Please do a bad job of putting your courses online
Remote Teaching Resources
Teaching Effectively During Times of Disruption
@artopencall Artist Resources During Coronavirus
Brooklyn Art Council Resource Guide
Creative Capital Resources for Artists
Common Field Resources for the Artists Organization Field
Coronavirus Resource Kit (with sections for artists)
COVID-19 Freelance Artist Resources
Hyperallergic Daily Report on the Impact of COVID-19
Relief Funds for Restaurant, Bar and Food Service Workers
Relief Funds for Restaurant, Bar and Food Service Workers Part II
Center for Disaster Philanthropy COVID-19 Response Fund
COVID-19 Financial Solidarity
Interest-free loans for NY residents affected by Coronavirus
Mutual Aid NYC
NYC United Against Coronavirus
Pod Mapping for Mutual Aid (Rebel Sidney Black)
Resource Library for COVID-19
The information collected above is by and large New York City-centric with a focus on visual artists and writers, and is by no means comprehensive. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, we encourage you to check out many of the sources above, which contain extensive, additional resources. Our resource list will be updated regularly and we’ll be sharing many more events on our social media platforms so follow us there. If you’d like us to add your event, resource, or correct any information listed here, please email us at vlc@newschool.edu.